Partner, admitted to the Paris Bar in March 1989
Nationality: French
Languages: French, English, German
T.: +33 1 44 38 72 32
Present position: Founding partner of Meyer Fabre Avocats since 2009
1999-2009: Salans (partner since 2001)
1988-1999: Jeantet & Associés
Since the beginning of her career, Nathalie Meyer Fabre has developed a practice specialized in the resolution of international commercial disputes.
She has acted as counsel in many international arbitrations, both ad hoc and institutional, in France and abroad, concerning in particular industrial and engineering projects, energy, construction, joint-ventures and shareholders’ disputes, hotel management contracts, insurance law, distribution and agency agreements, commodities trading and sales of goods, military equipment.
Nathalie Meyer Fabre is frequently appointed as arbitrator in institutional or ad hoc arbitration proceedings, in international or domestic matters (more details below).
She also represents her clients before the French courts in cross-border litigation relating in particular to product liability and industrial risks, the termination of business relationships or contractual negotiations, unfair competition, post-acquisition disputes, and the enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards.
She advises and represents foreign States and public entities before French courts and authorities.
Nathalie Meyer Fabre regularly acts as legal expert on French law in foreign proceedings, and for the taking of evidence or service of documents in France in aid of foreign proceedings.
• University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne – 1987 – DEA (post-graduate diploma) in Private international law and international trade law (ranked 1st)
• University of Paris Panthéon-Assas – 1986 – Master’s degree in Law (cum laude)
• University of Vienna – 1986 – Diploma of the Lehrgang für Internationale Studien (magna cum laude)
• Teaching international arbitration at the University of Paris-Est (2014-2016)In charge of teaching arbitration at the Paris Bar School (2012-2013)
• Teaching at the Universities of Cergy-Pontoise (private intal law, 1993), Paris-Sud (intaltrade law, 1990), and Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne (civil law, 1987-1988)
• Drafting Secretary at the Hague Conference on Private International Law (XVIIth and XVIIIth sessions)
• Comité Français de Droit International Privé (vice president of the Bureau)
• Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (member of the Bureau)
• International Law Association
• ICC France
• Association Française de l’Arbitrage
• International Arbitration Institute
• President of an ad hoc arbitral tribunal constituted for the settlement of a dispute between share holders of a company providing consultancy services in themanagement of real estate and infrastructure investments (pending)
• Coarbitrator in a dispute submitted to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal concerning the distribution in Asia of optronics, avionics, electronics and critical software systems (pending) - President of the arbitral tribunal in an ICC arbitration relating to the construction of an off-shore urban extension (pending)
• Coarbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning telecommunication installationsin Africa (pending)
• President of the tribunal in an ICC arbitration opposing manufacturers of components for the automotive industry (pending) - President of the tribunal in a CMAP arbitration between two French companies active in the biotechnology industry (pending) - Sole arbitrator in ad hoc arbitral proceedings between reinsurance and insurance companies (award issued in 2020)
• Coarbitrator in an ICC arbitration related to a contract for the distribution of medical equipment in Africa (award issued in 2020)
• President of an ad hoc arbitral tribunal constituted for the settlement of a dispute between shareholders of a joint venture in the events industry (award issued in 2020)
• President of an ICC arbitral tribunal concerning a road rehabilitation project in Africa (award issued in 2020)
• Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration in areal estate management dispute (award issued in 2020)
• Coarbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning a mining project in Africa (settled in 2018) - Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning an agency agreement in the aviation industry (award issued in 2020)
• Coarbitrator in an arbitration submitted to the IATA Arbitration Rules (award on jurisdiction issued in 2018)
• Coarbitrator in an ICC arbitration related to contracts for the design, manufacture and supply of equipment in the aviation industry (award issued in2020)
• Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration between a private contractor and an Eastern European public entity, relating to a road construction project(final award issued in 2018)
• President of an ad hoc arbitral tribunal constituted for the settlement of a dispute between shareholders of a company in the wind power industry (final award issued in 2018)
• Coarbitrator in anICC arbitration between multiple shareholders and former co owners of a ship(final award issued in 2018)
• Coarbitrator in an ICC arbitration between aMiddle-Eastern company and an African country relating to contracts for the supply of services and equipment for the intelligence services of that country(final award issued in 2017)
• Sole arbitrator in an dispute between shareholders in a venture capital industry submitted to the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg (final award issued in 2017) - Sole arbitrator in a post-M&A dispute over representations and warranties submitted to A.F.A. (final award issued in 2017)
• President of the arbitral tribunal in a CMA Parbitration relating to a post-M&A dispute (final award issued in 2017) -President of the tribunal in an ICC arbitration between the local subsidiaries of major European energy groups relating to the construction of wind farms inEastern Europe (settlement in 2017 after extensive briefing, expert reports,and many procedural incidents) - Emergency arbitrator in an ICC dispute relating to a contract for the equipment and maintenance of an aircraft (Order issued in 2016)
• Coarbitrator in an ad hoc arbitration between the shareholders of a company producing medical equipment (final award issued in2016)
• Coarbitrator in a CMAP arbitration concerning the termination of commercial relations in the field of the recycling of waste (final award issued in 2016) - President of an ICC arbitration relating to the construction of a waste water treatment plant in Romania (settlement in 2016 after extensive debates following the insolvency of one of the parties)
• President of the tribunal in a CMAP arbitration concerning a dispute between a Middle Eastern company and a French contractor relating to a construction contract (final award issued in 2015) - Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning a commercial dispute between a Finnish company and aChinese shipyard (settled in 2014 just before the final hearing)
• President of the tribunal in an ICC arbitration concerning the performance of a consulting agreement concluded for compliance with the European REACH regulation (final award issued in 2012)
• President of an ad hoc arbitral tribunal in a dispute between chartered accountants which was settled as a result of a conciliation with the assistance of the tribunal (award by consent issued in 2011)
• Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning a commercial agency contract (final award issued in 2011)
• "La preuve dans l’arbitrage – Les preuves détenues par l’autre partie", Rev. arb.2020.89
• "Waivers of Immunity from Execution: A New Turn by the French Court of Cassation", Mealey's International Arbitration Report, Mealey's Intl. Arb. Rep. 22(2015), Volume 30, Issue #8
• "Getting the Deal Through – Arbitration 2014" (Chapitre: France), Law Business Research Ltd., éd. S. Wilske et G. Wegen
• "Emanation de l’Etat, renonciation à l’immunité d’exécution: du bon usage de concepts en vogue", note sous Paris, Pôle 4, Ch. 8, 31 janvier 2013, Rev. Arb. 2013.460
• "Getting the Deal Through – Arbitration 2013" (Chapitre: France), Law Business Research Ltd., éd. S. Wilske et G. Wegen
• "Arbitrators, don’t overdo it without involving the parties!", Commentaire de Cass. Civ. 1e, 29 juin 2011, Overseas Mining Investment Ltd v. Commercial CaribbeanNickel, Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 2012.183
• "Getting the Deal Through – Arbitration 2012" (Chapitre: France), Law Business Research Ltd., éd. S. Wilske et G. Wegen
• "Recognition and Enforcement of U.S. Judgments in France: Recent Developments", The International Dispute Resolution News (ABA SIL), 2012
• "Enforcement of U.S. Punitive Damages Award in France: First Ruling of theFrench Court of Cassation", Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, Jan. 2011
• "La nouvelle loi écossaise sur l’arbitrage (Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010)", avec Carla Baker Chiss, Rev. Arb. 2010.801
• "L'obtention des preuves à l'étranger", Travaux du Comité Français de Droit International Privé, Années 2002-2004, Éd. Pédone, Paris 2005
• "Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against Sovereign States, a New Milestone: Signing ICC Arbitration Clause entails Waiver of Immunity from Execution, Held French Court of Cassation in Creighton v. Qatar, July 6, 2000", Mealey's International Arbitration Report, Sept. 2000
• "La reconnaissance en France des sentences rendues à l'étranger, l'exemple franco-suisse", avec Bruno Leurent, Bulletin de l'ASA 1995, p.118
• Contribution à l’ouvrage "International Technology Transfers", édité par HarryRubin ; Graham and Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff 1995
• "La Convention de La Haye du 29 mai 1993 sur la protection des enfants et la coopération en matière d'adoption internationale", Revue Critique de DroitInternational Privé 1994, p.259
• "Les preuves détenues par l’autre partie", intervention lors du colloque annuel du Comité Français de l’Arbitrage sur "La preuve dans l’arbitrage", Paris, 29 novembre2019
• "Que reste-t-il de l’inarbitrabilité ?", intervention à une conférence organisée par l’Association Lex sur les mutations de l’arbitrage international à Paris, le 18 avril 2019
• "Public order in international arbitration", intervention à une conférence organisée à Bucharest le 17 octobre 2017 par ICC YAF et la Faculté de Droit de Bucharest
• "L’inopposabilité du nouvel article 2061 du Code civil", intervention lors du dîner annuel de l’AFA, le 27 juin 2017
• GAR Live Paris, 24 novembre 2016, intervention sur de récents développements du droit français de l’arbitrage (Loi Sapin 2 en matière d’immunités des Etats)
• "Legal Ethics on Movies and Television Shows", ABA SIL, 2015 Fall meeting, Montreal, 22 octobre 2015
• "La réforme du système de nomination des arbitres CIRDI", intervention comme modérateur lors de la journée d’étude du 13 octobre 2015 organisée à Paris, auMinistère des Affaires Etrangères, par Convention-s
• "Action de groupe et droit international privé", intervention lors du colloque"Arbitrage et Action de groupe" organisé à Paris le 18 mai 2015 par le CMAP et lesUniversités de Montpellier et Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
• "Civil vs. Common Law – A Tale of Two Systems", New Jersey State BarAssociation Mid-Year Meeting, Paris, 5 novembre 2014• "A Foreigner in Uncle Sam’s Court: The Effect of Cultural Differences in theCourtroom", ABA SIL, 2012 Fall meeting, Miami, 19 octobre 2012
• "Les nouveaux défis des fonctions d’arbitre" - "La notoriété de l’arbitre réduit-elle l’obligation de révélation? ", Séminaire organisé par ICC France, Paris, 5 juillet 2012
• "From Enforcement to Attachment: Collecting on Arbitral Award", interventionlors de la Seventh Annual Fordham Conference on International Arbitration andMediation, Londres, 26-27 avril 2012
• "Improving the knowledge on new EU Regulations", Séminaire de formation organisé par le Ministère de la Justice roumain et la Deutsche Stiftung fürInternationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit E.V., Bucarest, 7-8 novembre 2011
• "Dialing 911 – Obtaining Interim and Emergency Relief in Support of Arbitration",ABA Section of International Law, 2011 Fall meeting, Dublin, 14 octobre 2011
• "Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the United States and in Europe", ABASection of International Law, 2010 Fall meeting, Paris, 5 novembre 2010
• "Certains aspects des règlements communautaires sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles et non-contractuelles", Intervention lors de la 7ème réunion du Réseau Judiciaire Européen en Matière Civile et Commerciale, Paris, 4 décembre2008
• "L'obtention des preuves en matière civile et commerciale", Contribution à un séminaire organisé par la Commission européenne et l’Ecole Nationale de laMagistrature, Paris, 6-7 Septembre 2005
• "L'obtention des preuves à l'étranger", Communication au Comité Français deDroit International Privé, Paris, 30 janvier 2004
• "The French Approach to Rules of Evidence and Conduct in InternationalArbitration" LCIA Symposium "Advocacy and Cultural Conflicts in InternationalArbitration", Londres, 12 avril 2002
• "Les pourparlers dans les contrats d'affaires – Maîtriser les aspects internationaux"Soirée-débat de la Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires, Paris, 7 février 2001
• "Quelles questions examiner avant d'insérer une clause compromissoire dans vos contrats ?" Séminaire Euro forum, Paris, 26-27 octobre 1999
• "L'adoption internationale", International Law Association (branche française), Paris, 25 octobre 1995